Dr. Vu Minh Khuong

Assistant Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Dr. Vu Minh Khuong has joined Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore as Assistant Professor since 2006. His research interest concern economic growth, productivity, competitiveness and the related issues such as the impact of ICT, e-government, and economic integration. Dr. Khuong has published his articles in a wide range of international publications, including Journal of Scandinavian Journal of Economics, German Economics Review, Energy Policy, and Journal of Policy Modeling. He has provided consulting services to IMF, World Bank, IFC, USAID, KPMG, Monetary Authority of Singapore, and Infocomm Authority of Singapore.

Dr. Vu Minh Khuong is from Vietnam, where he has held positions of CEO of Songcam Chemical Company, Chief Economic Adviser to the Mayor of Haiphong City, Vice-Chairman of Dinhvu Economic Zone, and Research Fellow at the Prime Minister’s Research Commission. Dr. Khuong had served in the Vietnamese army for three years (1981-1983) before he began his professional career. He received PhD (in Public Policy) and MBA degrees from Harvard University and BA in Mathematics from Hanoi University. Dr. Khuong has previously taught at Suffolk University (Boston) and Keio University (Tokyo).

Dr. Khuong’s teaching portfolio centers on public policy analysis, financial management, and economic development. He has been giving talks about the duties as well as opportunities of the new generations of Vietnamese youths in this era. 

Mdm. Pham Chi Lan

Former Member of the Prime Minister’s Research Commission of Vietnam

Former Vice President, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Since 1996, Mdm. Pham Chi Lan has been working with the Prime Minister’s Research Commission (PMRC), which is the government’s think-tank on economic reform and developmental issues. She has spent 37 years working with and for the business community of Vietnam and assisted in the formulation of various business laws and policies as well as contributed to the opening up and development of trade relations between Vietnam and foreign businesses in Asia, Europe, Oceania and the Americas.

Her professional interests include business development, particularly the development of private sector and SMEs, economic reform and the international integration process of Vietnam.

Mdm. Ton Nu Thi Ninh

President of the Founding Committee, Tri Viet University

Former Vice Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee, Vietnam National Assembly

Former Ambassador of Vietnam to the European Union

Mdm. Ton Nu Thi Ninh currently presides over the creation of Tri Viet International University in Vietnam with ambitions to be innovative in the context of the country’s transition: a private entity dedicated to public service, strongly rooted in Vietnamese identity but boldly open to the world. 

She has served for more than two decades as a diplomat, specializing in multilateral institutions and global issues. She was educated in France at the Sorbonne and Ecole Normale Superieure de Fontenay-aux-Roses where she obtained her Aggregation and in the UK at Cambridge University. 

Through her frequent interaction with the public and the media, she is known as one of the public figures having the most impact on Vietnamese youth today.

Ms. Vu Kim Hanh

Director, Business Studies and Assistance Centre (BSA)

Vice Chairwoman, Leading Business Club (LBC)

The professional life of Vu Kim Hanh has revolved around communications and the media, even as she moved into the world of business in the later part of her career.

In 2007, she founded the Center for Business Studies and Assistance (BSA), a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization lending support to the city’s growing number of private businesses. Throughout her eventful career, Ms. Kim Hanh has consistently demonstrated an undaunted spirit and boundless resilience.

Through her frequent interaction with the public and the media, she is known as one of the public figures having the most impact on Vietnamese youth today.

Le Dang Doanh

Dr. Le Dang Doanh

Former Director of Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM), Vietnam

Former Member of the Prime Minister’s Research Commission of Vietnam

Dr. Le Dang Doanh is one of Vietnam’s leading economists. Besides actively participating in various research projects regarding Vietnam and Asia economies, he also gives comments on the country’s economic issues on the media. He speaks German, English, French and Russian.

High Distinctions, Technical University of Leuna-Merseburg (Germain Democratic Republic)
Academy of National Economy (Moscow) (1984)
Ph.D., National Economics University, Hanoi

Vu Thanh Tu Anh

Dr. Vu Thanh Tu Anh

Director of Research, Fulbright Economics Teaching Program

Research Fellow, Vietnam Program, Harvard Kennedy School

Dr. Vu Thanh Tu Anh is the director of research at the Fulbright School in Ho Chi Minh City. Dr. Tu Anh’s primary research interests include Vietnamese industrial policy; the political economy of reform, especially of state owned enterprises; provincial development policy; and public finance. He recently completed a comparative study of Vietnamese industrial policy with Dwight Perkins

B.S., Economics, Hanoi Trade University
Ph.D., Economics, Boston College


Dr. Adel Dimian

Associate Professor of Strategic Management (Practice), Singapore Management University

Former Vice President, 3M Health Information Systems 

Adel F Dimian is Practice Associate Professor of Management in the Lee Kong Chian School of Business. He recently joined Singapore Management University after serving nearly 19 years with 3M in varied and increasing responsibilities in technical and business management for worldwide. 

A talented scientist he was awarded 9 patents for novel chemistry solutions. He is a certified six sigma black belt and master black belt. Adel spent 3 years based in Singapore as a regional business development manager responsible for 3M’s Asia electronics portfolio. Prior to moving back to Singapore and joining SMU, he was appointed vi#e president and general manager for 3M’s healthcare IT compliance business in New York City. Adel has worked in the healthcare, memory technology, commercial brand identity and graphic design, IT, and electronic market segments. 

He received his formal education in the sciences, liberal arts, and business administration earning a BS, MS and PhD degrees in chemistry, and an MBA with honors from the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. His expertise involves strategy, innovation, process improvement andkgeneral management.


Dr. Mats Lingblad

Assistant Professor of Management, Lee Kong Chain School of Business, Singapore Management University


Ph.D, London Business School
Msc (Economics), Stockholm School of Economics


Dr. Do Quoc Anh

(Formerly) Assistant Professor of Economics, Singapore Management University

Dr. Do Quoc Anh has been an assistant professor at Singapore Management University (SMU) since 2008. His economic interest ranges from political economics, economics of social networks, development economics, and economic growth to field experiments.

Ph.D., Economics, Harvard University
M.A., Economics, Harvard University
Economics and Statistics, National School of Statistics and Economics (ENSAE), France


Mr. Christopher Chow

Director, International Trading Institute, Singapore Management University



Mr. Kevin Sproule

(formerly) Senior Case Writer, SMU Case Writing Initiative and Assistant Director, Postgraduate Programmes, Singapore Management University

Kevin Sproule was the Senior Case Writer for the Case Writing Initiative at Singapore Management University (SMU). Originally from Silicon Valley Kevin recently moved to Singapore to become a founding member of the initiative at SMU. Since joining SMU Kevin has authored cases on topics including innovation & growth, finance and public-private partnerships in geographies ranging from the UAE to Australia to South Korea. Kevin specializes in operations having worked at United States based McMaster-Carr Supply Company with 6 years experience in the area of operations, and 3 years in sales operations management. He earned his MBA in Finance and Marketing at Northwestern University’s J.L. Kellogg School of Management.


Mr. Christopher Dula

Case Writer, SMU Case Writing Initiative, Singapore Management University

Christopher Dula is a case writer for the Centre for Management Practice at Singapore Management University. After graduating magna cum laude with a B.A. in Economics, he earned his Masters of International Affairs from Columbia University, specializing in advanced policy and economic analysis. He has over five years work experience in several fields, largely in community and international development, and has consulted for the New York City Mayor’s Office on using data analytics to improve service delivery. He has also worked to restore service delivery following natural disasters and managed several successful public health and gender development projects in Thailand.

Dr. Phan Toan Thang, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Dr. Phan has 20 year experience in wound healing research. His first clinical exposure was in 1991 during his surgical training at the Department of Burns & Trauma Surgery, Military Hospital 103 of the Vietnam Armed Forces. Before taking research faculty position at NUS-Department of Surgery in 2004, Dr Phan had been received advanced research training and employment at the Oxford Wound Healing Institute, England, Department of Plastic Surgery/Burns Centre, Singapore General Hospital, and Hagey Laboratory for Pediatric Regenerative Medicine at Stanford University, USA. 

Dr Phan has authored more than 60 publications, 2 book chapters and 18 granted and pending patents related to wound healing and stem cell research. He is also a inventor of Cord Lining Stem Cell technology and co-inventor of nanofiber mat for wound care that have lead to successful out-licensing contracts to local and international biotech companies, namely CordLife, ClearBridgeNanomedics, StemCyte Inc.

As a biotech entrepreneur, Dr Phan is a founding member of Singapore-based CellResearchCorp (2002) and Vietnam-based MekoStem and FBM Regenerative Medicine Pte Ltd (2008) that are currently focusing on stem cell banking and skin regeneration for Vietnam, IndoChina and Southern China market and have proven commercially successful.

Dr. Albert C. Y. Teo, PhD

Associate Professor, NUS Business School

Deputy Director, University Scholars Programme, National University of Singapore

(Formerly) Director of the Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship & Philanthropy (NUS Business School)

Albert received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1992 and 1994, respectively, from the Walter A Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley. Albert is actively involved in community service. He is a volunteer programme coordinator in Patient Care Center (a social services organization that runs various support programmes for people living with HIV/AIDS), and serves as a management committee member of Catholic AIDS Response Effort (a Catholic ministry that runs a shelter for homeless people living with HIV/AIDS).

Assoc. Prof. Lau Geok Theng

Associate Professor of Marketing, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore




Dr. Helen Chai

Assistant Dean and Director (BBA Office), NUS Business School, National University of Singapore




Assoc. Prof. Eric Tachibana

Adjunct Associate Professor, National University of Singapore

Vice President, Strategy and Business Development, Merrill Lynch Singapore 

Eric Tachibana has been an entrepreneur focused on the financial services sector for the last twelve years. During that time he has created, built, and eventually exited successful small companies in Silicon Valley, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and the U.K. Today, he continues his entrepreneurial endeavors as a regional angel investor, strategic adviser, and mentor for early-stage entrepreneurial ventures, serving as founding non-executive director for seven companies regionally.

As Vice President and a manager at Merrill Lynch in Singapore, Eric Tachibana provides strategic analysis, business development, and program management focused on intrapreneurial initiatives.

An author of eight books on technology development and innovation management, he is also an adjunct professor at the National University of Singapore Business School and continues to focus on cutting-edge theory and implementation.

M.B.A., National University of Singapore (NUS) and University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
M.A., Science, Technology and Public Policy, George Washington University

Prof. Wong Poh Kam

Professor, NUS Business School

Director, NUS Entrepreneurship Centre

Wong Poh Kam is currently a Professor at NUS Business School, as well as the Director of NUS Entrepreneurship Centre. He has published in numerous international refereed journals on innovation policy, industrial and competitiveness policy and technology entrepreneurship, and has also consulted widely for international agencies such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, various government agencies in Singapore such as A*STAR, EDB and IDA, and many high tech firms in Asia.

An entrepreneur who co-founded three companies prior to joining academia, he is now an active angel investor and/or board member of several high tech start-ups in Silicon Valley, Singapore, China and Malaysia. He was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at U.C. Berkeley and a visiting researcher at Stanford University and KTH, Sweden. He received a Public Administration Medal (Bronze) from the Singapore Government in 2005.

Dr. Nguyen Nam Trung, Dr.-Ing. habil.

Associate Professor, College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University

Dr. Nguyen received his Dr.-Ing. habil (a respected qualification in Germany for a full professorship) from Chemnitz University of Technology in 2004. Dr. Nguyen is also the First Runner Up of Inaugural ProSPER.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Awards in Sustainable Development in 2009 and the Runner Up of ASAIHL-Scopus Young Scientist Awards in 2008.

Currently, he is an Associate Professor with the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. His research focus is microfluidics, nanofluidics, micro/nanomachining technologies, micro/nanoscale sience, and instrumentation for biomedical applications.

Dr. Nguyen is an internationally recognized researcher with 140 journal papers, two patents granted and author of bestseller books in his field. His current H-index is 23 and he ranks 742 out of 6678 of the top 1% most cited scientists in engineering.


Dr. Lee Gilbert

Associate Professor, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University

Lee Gilbert began his international career as a consultant for SRI International, and later served the Institute of Systems Science as Deputy Director, Harvard Business School as Future Information Systems faculty Fellow, the United Nations Secretariat as Regional Adviser for Technology Transfer and Development, and Nanyang Business School as Director of its MBA (International Business) programme. As an IT practitioner, he assisted private and public sector clients throughout the world to acquire and implement effective computing and telecommunications solutions to business problems.

Dr. Gilbert’s research and publication addresses technology policy and electronic commerce. He has worked in Bangladesh, China, Hongkong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and in the Middle East, Europe, and North America. While working for the UN in Vietnam, he helped organize its first Investment Forum, attracting more than 300 potential investors to explore the newly opened economy. He later assisted MOSTE to introduce the Internet to Vietnamese public officials, and co-chaired two MBA study missions to the country.


Dr. Bui V. Dao

Former Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering Department, University of Oklahoma

President, Floating Windfarm Inc.

Dr. Bui is a respected veteran in the field of civil engineering with over 30 years of experience in engineering and construction of offshore production facilities. He was formerly the president of GustoMSC, an engineering company that designs and fabricates offshore floating and non-floating platforms for oil & gas drilling and production.

In 1997, Dr. Bui formed Ocean Design Associates, providing a full range of engineering service to clients such as Exxon Mobile, Chevron Texaco, Shell, and BP. Along the way he has worked with several organizations and has developed a reputation for his remarkably efficient production process. In 1999, Dr. Bui developed the floating drilling semi submersible in a record time and low cost. The design was so successful that four more semi’s were built over the years.

PhD, Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
BS (Civil Engineering), California State University, Long Beach

Dr. Don D. Nguyen

Innovative Scientist & Senior Engineer, Compass Water Solution

An innovative scientist renowned for his strong expertise in conceptualizing, designing, and implementing processes for drinking water & industrial wastewater purification and recycle, Dr. Don Nguyen is currently the holder of six US patents and one European patent on Papermachine Troubleshooting/ Monitoring Systems and Anti-fouling Membrane Filtration. His inventions have found their applications in several realms, including wastewater treatment and paper making process optimization. Recently he has invented a patent-pending process to purify vinaza wastewater from the tequila production in the State of Jalisco/Mexico.

As a senior engineer, he has successfully managed highly trained and diversified project teams over 30-year span of his career. Don Nguyen is currently a supervising engineer at Compass Water Solution, where he and his team has just innovated an oil-water separation process to reduce the pollution causing by the discharge of bilge water from marine vessels.

PhD, School of Natural Resources, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
BS (Chemical Engineering), University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

Prof. Loek Hopstaken

Advisory Board Chairman, ERC Institute Vietnam

Professor Loek Hopstaken has been teaching International Business Administration topics on bachelor and master levels since 2003. His specializations are Communication, Orgnaizational Design, and Public Relations. Since November 2008 he lives and works in Ho Chi Minh City, but returns to The Netherlands to deliver services to his Dutch clients, and to deliver Master Classes at Wittenborg.

In the Netherlands, he has delivered training programs and workshops to Philips, Heineken, Royal Van Zanten, Damen Shipyards and many small and medium sized companies. In Vietnam he is Director of Training at Alliance International Training Corporation, does freelance teaching assignments at RMIT and HCMC Universities of Technology and Industry, and cooperates with several Vietnamese management consultancy and training firms.